Give and You Shall Receive

My clients ask me why I’m so happy all the time. I don’t really have an answer other than to say that no one is happy all the time. Everyone has to cry it out. Everyone has to accept the fact that they are sad, afraid, angry, etc. You hear people say that happiness is a choice. I’m sure a lot of you have differing opinions on that. I up until recently thought that was what some uppity housewife in Beverly Hills said as she drank her soy latte in her new Maserati. However, I’m realizing now that she (or whoever) has got a point.

Consider this: You wake up in the morning groggy and irritated. Well now you’re screwed because the scrambling around the house before work and the booking it down the freeway and the hitting every red light definitely isn’t going to help your mood. But what if on your way out the door you said, “wow I’m so lucky I have a job”. And when you’re speeding down the freeway you thought, “wow I’m lucky I have a car that works”. And what if you just thanked your lucky stars for a few minutes that you are alive and you are able to have thoughts at all?

I don’t wake up every morning itching to conquer the day. I wake up like everyone else- actively wishing I had 5 more minutes (x100). The difference though, is that I wake up thankful for what I have. I send gratitude out into the world. I choose to be happy. I choose to “turn that frown upside down” as it were. Bad things happen to me, but I refuse to let them hold me down. And when I weigh the good in my life vs the bad… it’s no contest.

Try this: every night before you go to bed think of 5 things you’re grateful for. I know this sounds silly but the only way it will work is if you believe. When you wake up in the morning, be grateful for those things again.

I’ll give you mine:

1. I am grateful for my family whose love and support has encouraged me to be brave and conquer any situation.

2. I am grateful for my friends. It’s very humbling to know that there are people in this world who don’t have to love you unconditionally, but still choose to 🙂

3. I’m grateful for my job- a constant reminder that if you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.

4. I’m grateful for my clients. I’m surrounded on a daily basis by the wisest people around. Their stories and experiences have had such a profoundly positive impact on me and my life.

5. I’m grateful for this able body. I have all 5 (and sometimes 6) senses. I am able to do many difficult and seemingly crazy physical challenges. And besides a little foot problem I have zero aches and pains.

Alright, now it’s your turn. Send gratitude into the world. Give and you shall receive. 🙂