So, is running for you?

Let me tell you a story:

A few years ago I was a short, chubby little Persian girl with serious self-esteem issues. I felt like everyone around me had everything going for them and I had nothing. I didn’t know who I was or what I was supposed to be doing in life. I think we’ve all been there.

I decided that step one was to get in shape. I had run off and on throughout my life but this time I was going to try to run an actual race. I asked my friend, a seasoned marathon runner, to help me train and before you knew it I was running like no one’s business!

….OK that’s a huge joke I was actually the worst runner ever and felt like such a fatty at the gym running next to all these in shape people (you know the ones- the people who run and ZERO fat jiggles on their body. ZERO. How does that even happen?).

ANYWAY, I did the whole cover your treadmill screen with your towel so no one sees how slow you’re actually going thing. I also did the ol’ stop and appear to be nursing an injury for a minute when really you’re so out of breath after running for approximately 2 minutes that you need to take a minute before you pass out/die thing.

I wanted to give up SO many times…then about two weeks in, something miraculous happened. (And by the way I don’t use the word “miraculous” lightly. The only other thing in my life that would be “miraculous” would be running into Beyoncé on the street and becoming best friends with her.)

I mean seriously, how bad ass is she? Running into her on the street would be the highlight of your life and you know it.


Anyhoo back to my (second most) miraculous event. I remember it so well. I was on the treadmill (hanging on for dear life, per usual) and after mile 2, nonstop I might add, I just got this rush of adrenaline which I guessed was what they refer to as the “runner’s high”. After that I was hooked. I couldn’t get enough. I would sit at my desk at work all day and count the minutes until I could leave and go to the gym. Yeah that’s right, I wanted to go to the gym. I looked forward to it. 

And you can too. Try it out. I know running seems daunting but just give it a shot and see what happens!

About meenazia

Personal Trainer, Sports Nutritionist, Former Marathoner, Food Lover, Amateur Yogi. Allow me to transform you.

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