DOM-inate Soreness (Get it?)

If you’re going to a new class or doing a new exercise, chances are you’ll be sore the next few days. It’s basically your muscles asking “why do you hate me so much?”. People who actually know things would call this DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness… thus my header joke. Just laugh to make me feel better). DOMS is somewhat unavoidable but it can be lessened by decreasing the amount of weight, or rigorousness of the activity.

This isn’t always easy. If you’re in a group class you probably can’t ask the instructor to end class 20 minutes early because you’re new (well you could try but you might get a lot of dirty looks).

So as an alternative, let’s explore how you can diminish how sore you are:

  1. Stretch well enough after the workout
  2. Eat enough protein after the workout
  3. Roll out your muscles
  4. Drink enough water

Stretch and roll your muscles while they’re still warm post-workout (make sure your heart rate is back to normal). I like to go on runs with one of my friends, but immediately upon finishing she will drop to the ground and begin stretching. She’ll stretch for maybe 2 minutes and then get up and walk away. Don’t do this. Spend time stretching after your HR is back to normal.

Now don’t think of this as an annoying thing you have to do. Think of it as giving your body a pat on the back for a job well done! (Don’t roll your eyes at me)